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Posts by category
- Category: Australian Weather News
- Category: Climate Change
- Category: Climate Drivers
- Category: Clouds
- Category: Meteorology
- Where Does Wind Come From?
- Lapse Rate
- Weather Forecasting
- Blizzard: Violent, Cold Wind Loaded with Snow
- Beaufort Wind Scale: Estimating Wind Speed by Observing Effects
- AWS: Automatic Weather Station
- Autumn: Southern Hemisphere Months March to May
- Australian Height Datum (AHD): Sea Level Reference for Mapping
- Atmosphere: Gaseous Layer Surrounding Earth
- Apparent Temperature (AT) – Heat Index: Feels-Like Temperature
- Anticyclones: High-Pressure Systems with Lighter Winds
- Weather Anomaly: Departure from Long-Term Average Values
- Air: Mixture of Gases Comprising the Atmosphere
- Advection: Sideways Air Movement Due to Pressure Differences
- Agricultural Practices: Impact on Local Climate
- Deforestation: Effects on Weather Patterns
- Urban Heat Island: Higher Temperatures in Cities
- Pollution: Impact of Pollutants on Climate
- Greenhouse Effect: Warming from Trapped Heat
- Climate Change: Long-Term Climate Pattern Shifts
- Global Warming: Rise in Earth’s Temperature
- El Niño/La Niña: Phenomena Affecting Global Weather
- Seasonal Variations: Weather Changes from Earth’s Tilt
- Climatic Zones: Regions by Climate Type
- LIDAR: Light Detection for Atmospheric Study
- Barometers: Measure atmospheric pressure | Weather
- Weather Balloons: Measure Atmospheric Conditions
- Anemometers: Measure Wind Speed | Wind Tools
- Hygrometers: Measure Humidity | Moisture Tracking
- Cold Waves: Sudden drops in temperature | Stay Warm
- Auroras: Northern and Southern Lights Explained
- Thermometers: Measure Temperature | Accurate Readings
- Understanding Tsunamis: Powerful Ocean Waves
- Understanding Droughts: Causes and Impacts
- Radar: Tracking Storms, Rain, and Wind Patterns
- Weather Stations: Instruments for Atmospheric Data
- Weather Satellites: Provide Images and Data from Space
- Heatwaves: Extended periods of excessive heat
- Lightning: Nature’s Electric Show in the Sky
- Static Electricity: Charge Buildup in the Atmosphere
- Thunder: Sound Produced by Lightning | Nature’s Roar
- Nature’s Fury: Thunderstorms, Snowstorms & Blizzards
- Floods: Overflow of water onto normally dry land.
- Mirages: Optical illusions due to refraction of light in varying temperatures.
- Sundogs: Bright spots on either side of the sun.
- Halos: Rings or arcs around the sun or moon caused by ice crystals.
- Rainbows: Refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light in water droplets.
- Optical Phenomena in the earths atmosphere
- Fog: Ground-level clouds, formed by cooling or added moisture.
- Precipitation Types: Different forms of precipitation like drizzle, freezing rain, and ice pellets.
- Deposition: Transition from gas to solid without becoming liquid in the earths atmosphere
- Sublimation: Transition from solid to gas without passing through the liquid phase
- Condensation: Vapor turning into liquid, forming clouds or dew.
- Evaporation: Process of water turning into vapor in The Earths Atmosphere
- Adiabatic Processes: Temperature changes due to pressure changes without heat exchange.
- Inversions: Situations where temperature increases with altitude, trapping pollutants.
- Stability/Instability: The tendency of the atmosphere to resist or enhance vertical motion.
- Thermal Gradients
- Heat Transfer: Conduction, convection, and radiation processes in the earths atmosphere
- Thermodynamic Elements In Earth’s Atmosphere
- Atmospheric Waves: Oscillations in the atmosphere, such as Rossby waves.
- Wind Shear: Changes in wind speed and direction over short distances.
- Convection: Vertical movement of air due to temperature differences in the earths atmosphere.
- Jet Streams: Fast flowing, narrow air currents in the atmosphere.
- Hurricanes/Cyclones/Typhoons: Large tropical storms.
- Tornadoes: Rapidly rotating columns of air.
- Anticyclones: High-pressure systems associated with clear weather.
- Cyclones: Low-pressure systems leading to storms.
- Air Masses: Large bodies of air with uniform temperature and humidity.
- Fronts: Boundaries between different air masses.
- UV Index: Measurement of the strength of ultraviolet radiation.
- Dew Point
- Visibility: Clarity of the atmosphere.
- Solar Radiation: Incoming energy from the sun.
- Clouds: Types, altitude, and coverage of clouds.
- Precipitation: Rain, snow, sleet, hail, and other forms of moisture.
- Temperature: Measurement of heat in the atmosphere.
- Wind: Speed and direction of air movement.
- Humidity: Amount of water vapor in the air.
- Exploring Meteorology
- Pressure: Atmospheric pressure or barometric pressure.
- Category: Lightning
- Category: Terms
- Category: Severe Weather
- Emergency Plans For Severe Weather Events In New South Wales
- How To Prepare For Severe Weather In New South Wales
- Technologies Used For Severe Weather Forecasting In Australia
- Improvements In Severe Weather Prediction In Australia
- Severe Weather Forecasting and Warning Systems in Australia
- Effects Of Severe Weather On Australian Animals
- Emergency Plans For Severe Weather Events In Queensland
- Trends In Severe Weather Due To Climate Change In Australia
- Impact of Climate Change on Severe Weather Events in Australia
- Historical Severe Weather Events in Australia
- How To Prepare For Severe Weather In Queensland
- Types of Severe Weather in Australia
- Category: Severe Weather Parametres
- Category: Weather Forecasts
- Category: Weather News
- Category: Weather Outlooks
- Category: Weather Systems
- Understanding the Fujiwhara Effect
- Category: Cyclones
- Category: Low Pressure Systems
- Category: Oceanic Atmospheric Phenomenon
- Category: Thunderstorms
- What Is a Thunderstorm?
- Single-cell Thunderstorms: Nature’s Brief Spectacle
- Severe Thunderstorms: Stay Safe in Extreme Weather
- Exploring High-precipitation Supercells: Nature’s Fury
- Dry Thunderstorms: Nature’s Fiery Phenomenon
- Tropical Cyclone Thunderstorms: Nature’s Power Unleashed
- Squall Lines: Nature’s Powerful Storm Systems
- Supercell Thunderstorms: Nature’s Powerful Storms
- Exploring Multi-cell Thunderstorms: Nature’s Power
- Thunderstorms
- Category: World Weather News